At this year’s Camai Dance Festival, we honor how Atrilnguq has contributed to the legacy of dance in our region.

All photos credit:
Jimmie Lincoln, Toksook Bay

Atrilnguq, as a true elder, you embody and demonstrate the values of the Yup’ik people. You work tireless to preserve our culture through your leadership in governance, spirituality, and advocacy by freely sharing your wisdom to everyone who is willing to listen. All these gifts are your legacy for generations to come. Quyana cakneq!

Atrilnguq, elluarrluten yuullruavet paiciutekaten yugnun amllertut. Kinguliamta ciumurucugngariat nutemllarput alerquigilaavet pingnatugyaramek. Quyanaqvaalli cakneq tumyarakiurillerpenek wangkuta maligtaquallerkamtenek.

Atrilnguq Joseph Asuluk, Sr.

Atrilnguq Joseph Asuluk of Nunakauyaq of Toksook Bay is being recognized as a Living Treasure at the Cama-i Dance Festival this year.

Atrilnguq began yuraq in his younger years in the 1950s, when he was presented to the community in the traditional Yup’ik way with his yuraqerraaq, or first dance. He shared that this traditional event benefitted the especially vulnerable population in the community – widows and orphans, who were given gifts of clothing and food.

For decades, he has worked collaboratively with others in his community to plan annual yurarpak or dance gatherings in his community, carrying on the tradition of his ancestors.

In the photo, Atrilnguq is practicing the ancient ritual of cleansing space using the smoke of burning Labrador tea or ayuq.

Legacy work
Atrilnguq’s work in his community has been described as “tireless” by many who have the privilege to know him. He has taken on the responsibilities of leadership in governance, spirituality, advocacy, and freely shares his wisdom and knowledge at various gatherings and events. He encourages and helps to create opportunities for young leaders to practice and develop their skills in his community.

Yuraq brings joy to our community.
Dances are intercessions to the Creator, yurat kaigatnguut – is how Atrilnguq describes the art of dance. He also shares that yuraq brings joy to everyone. The apalluqs or verses of songs can be used to bring humor to our lives through storytelling. “Joy is medicine when we are not feeling ourselves.